


Ph.D. Candidate Seonil Kwon (advisor Prof. Kyung Cheol Choi) received the grand prize at the Exhibit of the Fusion and Convergence of Display

Ph.D. Candidate Seonil Kwon (advisor Prof. Kyung Cheol Choi) received the grand prize at the Exhibit of the Fusion and Convergence of Display.

The award ceremony took place at the 7th Display Day at JW Marriott Hotel last week.


Conference: Exhibit of the Fusion and Convergence of Display

Host: KDIA (Korea Display Industry Association)

Date: 2016/10/04 (Tuesday)

Recipient: Seonil Kwon (advisor Prof. Kyung Cheol Choi)

Topic: Various Applications using Fiber-based Organic Light Emitting Diodes

Award: Grand Prize (Minister Prize from Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy)


최경철교수님랩 권선일 융복합디스플레이공모전대상 1