


EE Co-op program 2017 fall semester application period notice (April 4th~April 12th)

The 2017 fall semester EE Co-op program application period is as follows:

Application submission period : April 4, 2017 (Tuesday) ~ April 12, 2017 (Wednesday)

Required documents : EE Co-op Program Application, Transcript showing your G.P.A. (printed in current semester)


Please hand-in your application in person along with your transcript (printed in this semester) to EE Co-op program administrative staff (Myeong Joo Kang) (No e-mail submissions allowed).

Please refer to the EE Co-op program web-page for more detailed information about the program.


소개자료 0

*Contacts : 042-350-8504, kkmj20@kaist.ac.kr