






[싱가포르 정부 전액지원] SINGA SCHOLARSHIP


Singapore에서의 PhD 프로그램
싱가폴의 ADSC (Advanced Digital Sciences Center) SINGA Scholarship통해NUS (National University of Singapore) 또는 NTU (Nanyang Technological University)에서 PhD 학위과정을진행하면서 ADSC에서공동연구를수행하는 PhD 프로그램을제공합니다.
* ADSC에서의 SINGA Scholarship PhD 프로그램
SINGA Scholarship싱가폴에서의 PhD프로그램을지원하기위해싱가폴정부기관인 A*STAR제공하는전액장학금제도입니다. 매년 1월과 8월에걸쳐차례씩시작되며, ADSC통해 SINGA Scholarship합격한학생들은 ADSC 연구원들과 NUS, NTU 교수들의 (공동) 지도를통해 PhD 프로그램을수행합니다. 학생들은 ADSC에서풀타임연구보조원으로연구를수행하며, NUS 또는 NTU에서수업을듣고학위를받게됩니다. 또한, UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)여러교수들과폭넓은연구교류를있는기회가제공됩니다.
– ADSC에서의 Projects
(‘Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)’ -> ‘Interactive & Digital Media’ -> ‘Advanced Digital Sciences Centre (ADSC)’)
– SINGA Scholarship대한일반적인정보
아래의사이트를통해 SINGA Scholarship온라인으로접수할있습니다.
– SINGA Scholarship의 혜택
1) Full support for tuition fees for 4 years of PhD studies
2) Monthly stipend S$2,000 and increased to S$2,500 after passing the ‘Qualifying Examination’.
3) One-time Airfare Grant of S$1,500 Return Airfare
4) One-time S$1,000 Settling-in Allowance
* ADSC대한 소개
Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC)는 미국의University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)와 싱가폴의Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)에 의해 싱가폴의 새로운 연구 단지인 Fusionopolis 내에 세워진 연구 센터입니다. ADSC에서의 연구는 Human Sixth Sense Project (HSSP)를 통해서 인간의 정보기술 이용 방식을 바꿔주는 새로운 패러다임을 만드는 것을 목표로 합니다. 좀 더 자세한 정보는 아래의 사이트를 참조하시길 바랍니다.
* ADSC에서의 연구 활동
ADSC에서 수행되는 연구 프로그램들은 크게 두 가지로 나누어집니다: 1) Interactive Digital Media and 2) Power Grid IT. 두 프로그램들에 대한 소개와 세부 과제들에 대한 자세한 정보는 아래의 사이트를 참고하시길 바랍니다.
이외의 좀 더 자세한 정보를 얻으시려면, 다음의 주소로 연락주시길 바랍니다.
Dr. Asghar Mirarefi (International Research Program Director, ADSC): mirarefi@illinois.edu
Dr. Dongbo Min (Researcher, ADSC): dongbo@adsc.com.sg (http://diml.yonsei.ac.kr/~forevertin/)

PhD Scholarship Program in Singapore
– SINGA Scholarship will enable a student get a PhD degree from NUS (National University of Singapore) or NTU (Nanyang Technological University) while carrying out research at ADSC (Advanced Digital Sciences Center).
* SINGA Scholarship PhD program at ADSC
SINGA Scholarship, full scholarship for PhD program provided by A*STAR (a Singapore government agency), is available at ADSC annually for two intakes (August and January). Successful applicants will receive PhD training under supervision or co-supervision of researchers at ADSC and professors at NUS or NTU. Students will carry out research work as a full-time research assistant at ADSC, and take courses and receive degrees from NUS or NTU. Also, students will have great opportunities to interact with UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Faculty members. For more information, please refer to the following sites.
– Lists of our potential projects
(Please go to tab ‘Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)’ -> ‘Interactive & Digital Media’ -> ‘Advanced Digital Sciences Centre (ADSC)’)
– General information of SINGA Scholarship
– Applications need to be submitted on-line at:
– Coverage of SINGA Scholarship
1) Full support for tuition fees for 4 years of PhD studies
2) Monthly stipend S$2,000 and increased to S$2,500 after passing the ‘Qualifying Examination’.
3) One-time Airfare Grant of S$1,500 Return Airfare
4) One-time S$1,000 Settling-in Allowance
* About ADSC
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), a Singapore government agency, have established the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC), a new research center located at the Fusionopolis research facility in Singapore. Research at ADSC is funded by A*STAR through the Human Sixth Sense Project (HSSP), which focuses on breakthrough innovations that are expected to have a major impact in transforming human beings’ utilization of information technology. For more information, please refer to http://www.adsc.illinois.edu/about.html
* Research activities at ADSC
Most research projects at ADSC are organized under two subprograms: 1) Interactive Digital Media and 2) Power Grid IT. Links to overviews of the subprograms, and details on all current individual projects, are available at http://www.adsc.illinois.edu/projects.html.
For more detailed information, feel free to contact:
Dr. Asghar Mirarefi (International Research Program Director, ADSC): mirarefi@illinois.edu
Dr. Dongbo Min (Researcher, ADSC): dongbo@adsc.com.sg (http://diml.yonsei.ac.kr/~forevertin/)
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