Title: Triple-Node FinFET With Non-Ohmic Schottky Junctions for Synaptic Devices
Abstract: A triple-node FinFET (TriNo-FinFET) with non-ohmic Schottky junctions is demonstrated for an artificial synapse. The three mechanisms of thermionic emission in a subthreshold region, tunneling in a transition region, and drift transport in an inversion region are utilized in the TriNo-FinFET with non-ohmic Schottky junctions. The transition region dominated by tunneling with non-ohmic Schottky junctions improves the linearity of potentiation and depression. An average recognition rate of 90 % for handwritten digits in the MNIST dataset is achieved. Moreover, the TriNo-FinFET with the double-layered charge trap layer (CTL) shows enhanced weight-update speed by up to 48-fold compared to that with a single-layered CTL.
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