AI in EE


AI in Communication Division

AI in EE


AI in Communication Division ​

AI in Communication Division

Federated learning (FL) operates based on model exchanges between the server and the clients, and suffers from significant communication as well as client-side computation burden. While emerging split learning (SL) solutions can reduce the clientside computation burden by splitting the model architecture, SL-based ideas still require significant time delay and communication burden for transmitting the forward activations and backward gradients at every global round. In this paper, we propose a new direction to FL/SL based on updating the client/server-side models in parallel, via local-loss-based training specifically geared to split learning. The parallel training of split models substantially shortens latency while obviating server-to-clients communication. We provide latency analysis that leads to optimal model cut as well as general guidelines for splitting the model. We also provide a theoretical analysis for guaranteeing convergence of our method. Extensive experimental results indicate that our scheme has significant communication and latency advantages over existing FL and SL ideas.

We consider federated learning (FL) with multiple wireless edge servers having their own local coverage. We focus on speeding up training in this increasingly practical setup. Our key idea is to utilize the clients located in the overlapping coverage areas among adjacent edge servers (ESs); in the model-downloading stage, the clients in the overlapping areas receive multiple models from different ESs, take the average of the received models, and then update the averaged model with their local data. These clients send their updated model to multiple ESs by broadcasting, which acts as bridges for sharing the trained models between servers. Even when some ESs are given biased datasets within their coverage regions, their training processes can be assisted by adjacent servers through the clients in their overlapping regions. As a result, the proposed scheme does not require costly communications with the central cloud server (located at the higher tier of edge servers) for model synchronization, significantly reducing the overall training time compared to the conventional cloud-based FL systems. Extensive experimental results show remarkable performance gains of our scheme compared to existing methods. Our design targets latency-sensitive applications where edge-based FL is essential, e.g., when a number of connected cars/drones must cooperate (via FL) to quickly adapt to dynamically changing environments.


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