[SK C&C Industry-Academy Scholarship Program]
1. Period of application: 9/1 (Fri) to 9/22 (Fri)
2. Fields of application : AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Video/Speech Recognition, NLP), Big Data (Analysis, Engineering)
3. Eligibility : Master 1~3 semesters, Ph.D after done with coursework ~ 5th grade 1 semester
4. How to apply : Go to http://www.skcareers.com → Click “채용 공고” → Click “[SK주식회사 (C&C)] 2017년 AI 산학장학생 선발” → Apply
5. Benefits: Support for tuition and research grants, support for Global Seminar participation, mentoring of SK C & C technology executives, etc.
6. Need to join SK C&C after graduation
* Contacts: SK C & C Scholarship Coordinator (02-6400-5416, scholar@sk.com)
[Briefing Session]
1. Date and time: Thursday, September 14 from 16:00 to 17:00 (1h)
2. Place: Creative Learning Building No. 310
3. Main contents: Introduction of AI and Big Data business vision, introduction of industry-academy scholarship system, etc.
4. Pre-application URL: https://goo.gl/Xa3V5P (RealPose keyboard will be given to some of pre-applicants)
5. Attendance Benefit: Lunch box and souvenir for all attendees (souvenir: Starbucks gift voucher(10,000))