






"Information in the Age of Schrodinger’s Cat" 세미나개최(2015.1.22)

National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)의  Carl J. Williams 박사님을 모시고 

“Information in the Age of Schrodinger’s Cat”이란 주제로 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다. 

많은 관심과 참석 부탁드립니다. 

세미나 일정 및 정보는 다음과 같습니다. 

1. Date:  2015. 01. 22 (Thu) PM 01:30 ~ 03:00

2. Place:  전자공학동(E3-2) 우리별 세미나실, Wooribyul Seminar Room (#2201)

3. Speaker:  Dr. Carl J. Williams

4. Titile:  Information in the Age of Schrodinger’s Cat

5. Abstract 

In the early 1900’s, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein and others laid the foundations of quantum mechanics — nature’s instruction book for the smallest particles of matter. Now 100 years later researchers are primed to harvest the fruits of basic research resulting from Quantum Information Science – the confluence of Information Science and Quantum Mechanics – two of the revolutionary developments of the 20th century. Quantum information scientists have already convincingly demonstrated the long-term feasibility of these new approaches and there are now an emerging number of niche applications, including NIST’s own quantum logic clock as well as revolutionary new approaches to communication and computing.  This talk will provide a general introduction to quantum information and then provide a few examples of recent accomplishments at NIST in various areas of quantum information science, including quantum communication, quantum computing, quantum sensors, and quantum based measurements.  The emerging field and the quandaries it allows for in measurement science include the ability to a) correct a quantum state only if you learn nothing about the state, b) to make measurements beyond the standard quantum or shot-noise limit, c) to create computers that are more powerful based on the laws of quantum mechanics, and d) to detect individual quanta of light known as photons. 

6. Biography

Dr. Carl J. Williams is Chief of the Quantum Measurement Division (QMD) of the Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  He is a Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) (http://www.jqi.umd.edu) and Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, College Park.  He coordinates the NIST Quantum Information Program.  The QMD provides measurement and data support for a broad range of national needs, supports the determination and global dissemination of fundamental constants, disseminates electrical, mass, and force units, and conducts research to enable next generation quantum based measurements. 

Dr. Williams received his B.A. in Physics from Rice University in 1981, his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in Theoretical Physical Chemistry in 1987, joined NIST in 1998 becoming coordinator of the NIST Quantum Information Program in 2000 and Chief of the Atomic Physics Division of the NIST Physics Laboratory in 2004 before being appointed Chief of the Quantum Measurement Division of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory in 2011.  In 2006, Dr. Williams helped establish the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI), became a founding Fellow of the JQI, and the first NIST co-Director of the JQI – a positioned he held until spring 2011.  Dr. Williams worked as a senior policy analyst within the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President from April 2008 until July 2010.  He is actively engaged in setting international standards acting as a scientific expert to the Consultative Committee for Units and as the NIST representative to the Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). His leadership at NIST and on the international stage is helping to create the conditions for the most dramatic redefinition of International System of Units (Metric System), now expected in 2018, since the signing of the Convention of the Meter in 1875.  He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Quantum Information and Computation, has authored over 100 scientific publications, and has been a speaker at numerous national and international conferences.  

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