Professor Junbo Yoon and his research team members developed the ‘Force touch sensor’. Force touch sensors have received a great deal of attention for various applications owing to their versatile ability to detect touch and pressure.
The Yoon’s research team developed a high performance and transparent nano force touch sensor with bending insensitivity. This work is achieved by developing a nanodielectric layer, which is a dielectric polymer layer with silver nanoparticles to enhance the dielectric constant. The nanograting structure is also used to improve the sensitivity, which results in high transparency.
The bending insensitivity, which can be attributed to the thinness of the sensor and the coplanar electrodes located near the neutral plane of the device, was assessed. No performance change was observed in the extreme bending radius. The research team realized a high-performance industrial-grade nano force touch sensor, simultaneously featuring transparency, flexibility, high sensitivity, and bending-insensitivity.
Ph.D. candidate Jaeyoung Yoo said, “This work shows the high reliability in a diverse environment. We expect that this work can be widely used in user touch interfaces and wearable devices.”
Paper : Industrial grade, bending-insensitive, transparent nanoforce touch sensor via enhanced percolation effect in a hierarchical nano-composite film
Paper link :

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