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29th Humantech Paper Award Application (Abstract Submission: ~ October 5, 2022 2:00 PM)

<29th Humantech Paper Award Application >


– Schedule (KST / UTC+9)

  • Extended Abstract Submission : September 1, 2022 ~ October 5, 2022 2:00 PM

    ※ Please register your extended abstract after signing up on Humantech Awards website. (

  • Full Paper Submission : November 5, 2022 ~ November 29, 2022 2:00 PM

    ※ Please register full paper files and academic advisor’s confirmation documents(copy) on the website. (only for accepted abstracts in first screening)

  • Presentation : January 2023 (for accepted papers in second screening)

    ※ Submit academic advisor’s confirmation documents(original) in presentation.

    ※ The prescribed form must be completed and submitted on the website.

  • Award Ceremony : February 2023


For details, please check the attachment and the Samsung Humantech Papers website (


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