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Welcome from the head of school of EE

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Welcome from the head of school of EE

Welcome from the head of school of EE

학부장 인사말 영문 페이지

Welcome from the Head of KAIST EE

KAIST EE is the largest department in electrical engineering within KAIST and Korea, with 94 full-time professors, over 600 undergraduates and 1000 graduate students and more than 250 international students. Our graduates prepared through innovative education and cutting-edge research help build a better future and make a difference in the world.

Innovative Education: Expanding our portfolio of programs

Highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students are selected each year through rigorous admission procedures. Our students are educated by world-class faculty through systematic curriculum that covers both breadth and depth. We also offer a diverse set of programs to prepare our students to become creative and proactive global leaders in engineering. These programs include EE Co-op programs, attending annual international conferences, exchange programs with overseas research institutes, and outbound EE fellowship.

Our school strives to create an environment where students can comfortably focus on education and research. We host various undergraduate events for students to have a strong sense of belonging. Our department offers financial support for graduate students through a research assistant system so that the students can focus on their studies and research without financial burden.

Cutting-edge Research: Solving complex problems through interdisciplinary approach

Electrical and electronic engineering now requires academic and technical backgrounds in various fields. As the leader in the era of big data-based super-intelligence, our school encompasses a wide spectrum of disciplines within electrical engineering: devices, circuits, signals, radio waves, computers, and communications. Our faculty is also from diverse backgrounds, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, materials engineering, and computer science, and mechanical engineering. /p>

In the future, mobile low-power smart sensor devices will form an autonomous network to build a distributed intelligent platform, and super-intelligent services based on big data will be provided. To this end, our department is leading research on a variety of topics, from advanced nanomaterials to biosensors, intelligent semiconductors, bio-inspired algorithms, machine learning, big data, and 6G.

We strive to achieve technological innovation and an impact on our society through original and challenging convergence research. We will continue to build upon our strength in interdisciplinary research through active outreach to domestic and foreign companies and research institutes.

Join us in our efforts

As a result of our continuous efforts, I can proudly say that our department is the leader in Korea and stands along with world-leading institutes in the field of electrical engineering. I will do my best to build upon this global visibility and create a new history as the head of KAIST EE. The door of the head’s office is always open. I will always listen to our members’ and experts’ opinions to build a better community.

ceo overview sign
Joonhyuk Kang
Head of School of EE, KAIST