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Alumni Interviews

Alumni Interviews

Coreline Soft CEO Jin Kook Kim Alumnus

Health has long been one of humanity’s biggest interests. In the past, people were busy finding food to live on, but now as society has become more plentiful, interest in health has grown. With the growing lifespan and aging society brought on by advancements in medicine, maintaining one’s health has become a big issue and the healthcare market has grown with it. Many healthcare related startups have newly been established and the stocks for these companies have continually been valued at a high valuation. In this startup special issue of the EE Newsletter, we interviewed Coreline Soft’s representative and KAIST EE alumnus, Jin Kook Kim.

Q. Please briefly introduce yourself and your company.

A. Hello, my name is Jin Kook Kim and I am the CEO of Coreline Soft. I went to graduate school in KAIST, class of ’95, and received my Ph.D in 2004. The early 2000s, right around when I graduated, was when the “startup boom” had hit. Some of the labs around had also started various small startups. My advisor at the time was Prof. Jong Beom Ra and our lab had also started a startup.