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Nano-Graphitic Carbon Materials for Neural Probe Seminar


Nano-Graphitic Carbon: Materials Innovation at the Intersection of Brain Science


Prof. Shahrjerdi, NYU


전기및전자공학부(E3-2) 2층 #2201 우리별세미나실


O Title: Nano-Graphitic Carbon: Materials Innovation at the Intersection of Brain Science
O Speaker: Prof. Shahrjerdi, NYU
O Date: May 31th, (Wednesday)
O Start time: 11am 
O Venue: #2201 (E3-2, 2th floor)

O Abstract:

Dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) are key neurochemical compounds centrally linked to the pathology of many neurological and psychiatric disorders. The ability to monitor the dynamics of their individual and coordinated signaling is critical for neurological studies of these disorders.

Therefore, there is a critical need for a sensing platform capable of mapping chemical neuronal activities in behaving animals and with the potential for use in human subjects. In this talk, I will present the progress of my group toward realizing such a groundbreaking neural probe. I will first describe our strategy for producing a new form of nano-engineered graphitic (NG) carbon which affords unprecedented neurochemical sensing capabilities through fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV). I will conclude my talk by discussing some examples of the material research frontiers that the application of our NG carbon materials for sensing neurochemical molecules have enabled.

O Bio:
Professor Davood Shahrjerdi received his Ph.D. in Solid-State Electronics from The University of Texas at Austin in 2008. He then spent 6 years at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member. He joined New York University in 2014, where he is now an Associate Professor of ECE and serves as the Faculty Director of the Nanofabrication Facility.
He is the author and co-author of over 100 journal and conference papers. Additionally, he holds over 100 pending and issued patents. He is a Senior member of IEEE and the recipient of several prestigious recognitions and awards including IBM Master Inventor and IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement award.



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