AI in EE


AI in Signal Division

AI in EE


AI in Signal Division ​ ​

AI in Signal Division

Thanh Nguyen, Tung Luu, Trung Pham, Sanzhar Rakhimkul, Chang D. Yoo, "Robust MAML: Prioritization Task Buffer with Adaptive Learning Process For Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning" , The International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICAS

Model agnostic meta-learning (MAML) is a popular state-ofthe-art meta-learning algorithm that provides good weight initialization of a model given a variety of learning tasks. The model initialized by provided weight can be fine-tuned to an unseen task despite only using a small amount of samples and within a few adaptation steps. MAML is simple and versatile but requires costly learning rate tuning and careful design of the task distribution which affects its scalability and generalization. This paper proposes a more robust MAML based on an adaptive learning scheme and a prioritization task buffer (PTB) referred to as Robust MAML (RMAML) for improving scalability of training process and alleviating the problem of distribution mismatch. RMAML uses gradient-based hyper-parameter optimization to automatically find the optimal learning rate and uses the PTB to gradually adjust training task distribution toward testing task distribution over the course of training. Experimental results on meta reinforcement learning environments demonstrate a substantial performance gain as well as being less sensitive to hyper-parameter choice and robust to distribution mismatch.


Figure 5. The demonstration of distribution mismatch between train/test and the corresponding behavior of MAML.

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