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News & Event


(May 25) Chordal Codes for Chip-to-Chip Communication


Chordal Codes for Chip-to-Chip Communication


Dr. Amin Shokrollahi (Kandou Bus and EPFL)


E11, Room 402


Modern electronic devices consist of a multitude of IC components: the processor, the memory, the RF modem and the baseband chip (in wireless devices), and the graphics processor, are only some examples of components scattered throughout a device. The increase of the volume of digital data that needs to be accessed and processed by such devices calls for ever faster communication between these IC’s. Faster communication, however, often translates to higher susceptibility to various types of noise, and inevitably to a higher power consumption in order to combat the noise. This increase in power consumption is, for the most part, far from linear, and cannot be easily compensated for by Moore’s Law. In this talk I will give a short overview of problems encountered in chip-to-chip communication, and will advocate the use of novel coding techniques to solve those problems. I will also briefly talk about Kandou Bus, and some of the approaches the company is taking to design, implement, and market such solutions.


Amin Shokrollahi finished his PhD at the University of Bonn in 1991. From 1991 to 1995 he was an assistant at the same university, before moving to the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley in 1995. In 1998 he joined the Bell Laboratories as a Member of the Technical Staff. In 2000 he joined the startup company Digital Fountain as their Chief Scientist, a position he had until Digital Fountain’s acquisition by Qualcomm in 2009. In 2003 he joined EPFL where he has the chairs of Algorithmic Mathematics in the Math department, and algorithmics in the Computer Science department. In 2011 and 2012 he founded the company Kandou Bus which uses novel approaches from discrete mathematics, algorithm design, and electronics for the design of fast and energy efficient chip-to-chip communication links. Amin’s research interests are varied and cover coding theory, discrete mathematics, algorithm design, theoretical computer science, signal processing, networking, computational algebra, algebraic complexity theory, and most recently, electronics, areas where he has more than 100 publications, and more than 70 pending and granted patent applications. An IEEE Fellow, Amin’s honors include the IEEE Information Theory Society Information Theory Paper Award (2002), the joint IT/ComSoc Best Paper Award (2008), the IEEE Eric E. Sumner Communications Theory Award (2007), the IEEE Hamming Medal (2012), the Jan van Vessem Award of the ISSCC for the best paper from Europe (2015), the best paper award of DesignCon in the area of high speed signaling (2016), and the Advanced Research Grant of the European Research Council.

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